You changed the typeface on "poet" quite a while ago, I
believe as a makeshift to put in stuff like "allegro"
etc.  Wouldn't it be good to put it back to the way
it was, so poet and author would have the same face?
As it is, it looks quite peculiar.

I've worked around it before.  daveA
\version "2.1.28"
title = "Warrior's Wedding Song"
composer = "David Raleigh Arnold"
poet = "David Raleigh Arnold"
tagline = "\center \copyright2004 David Raleigh Arnold"

melody = \notes \relative c'
    a b c d

text = \lyrics {
    Aaa Bee Cee Dee

accompaniment = \chords {
    a2 c2

\score {
    \context ChordNames \accompaniment
    \context Voice = one {
    \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics \text
  \paper {
    #(set-paper-size "letter") 
  \midi  { }

Paying more at the gas pump?  Bush's Oil Sheikh Buddies, who support Al
Qaeda, Palestinian terrorists, & hate-U.S. school systems everywhere,
need more of your money now to arm and pay Iraqis to kill Americans.
D. Raleigh Arnold dra@ (http://www.) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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