> The roadmap for the coming weeks is as follows: my plan is to finish
> rewriting the manual chapter on "Changing Defaults" and release
> version 2.2 after that (ETA: about one week).

Does this mean that you now basically have frozen the syntax for 2.2? (in that 
case I'll perhaps start convert-ly:ing a bunch of old Mutopia scores: this 
might also catch some convert-ly bugs)

> * Bugs are undocumented deficiencies. Please report errors, so we can
>   fix them or document them.

So now it's time to be picky :) I have been checking some bugs I reported 
earlier. A number of them have not yet been fully fixed:

1. The "piece" header is written in smallcaps. I can't recall that I got any 
answer of why it should, so perhaps it is a bug after all.
\score {\notes b \header {piece="Allegro"} }

2. The following gives a "Programming Error" message. It should just be a 
normal warning.
\score { \new Lyrics \lyrics { a -- } }

3. I reported a layout problem on feb 19, which was only partially fixed:
When there are multiple staves, of which one ends in a \bar "||":

\score {
  \new StaffGroup \notes <<
  \new Staff {c4 c c c | c c c c \bar "||" c c c c}
  \new Staff {c4 c c c | c c c c }

Now the second staff ends like
        | |
        | |
--------| |
--------| |
--------| |
--------| |
--------| |
which should be
        | |
        | |

4. You still get error/warning messages, suggesting that something is wrong, 
if there is no midi output in the \score block:

lilypond: warning: no LilyPond output found for `foo'
Running latex...
Running dvips...lilypond: error: `dvips' failed (status 1)
lilypond: error: The error log is as follows:
/tmp/tmpntykwGdvips.errorloglilypond: warning: Failed to make PS file. Rerun 
with --verbose for a trace.
MIDI output to `foo.midi'...

5. Repeat barlines are engraved to the left of the key signature. My feeling 
is that it should be the other way around. Am I wrong?
\score { \notes {\key f\major a1 \break \repeat "volta" 2 {a1} }}

6. The autobeaming problem I reported yesterday:
\notes {
 b16 b <<{b8 b b16 r} \\ {b8 b b16 r}>> b b b s s4 |
 b16 b <<{b8 b b16} \\ {b8 b b16}>> r b b b % <-- these notes should be beamed

Please respond, at least with something like "this is not a bug" or "we will 
not fix this"..

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