On Friday 26 March 2004 01.47, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> > It might be too much to demand that convert-ly should upgrade
> > #'(italic "Simile")
> > to
> > \markup {\italic { "Simile" }}
> > , but the movement of a parenthesis movement is IMHO a clear bug, as
> > opposed to a limitation.
> Unfortunately,  I don't  see good way to fix this.

Really? Doing _nothing_ would actually be satisfactory.. The problem is that 
one parenthesis is moving:
1.8: a4_#'(italic "Simile") c
1.9: a4_#'(italic "Simile" c)
so if you just would detect the #', you could assume that it would be followed 
by a nonempty balanced parenthesis expression, which you just could output as 
it is (hence the c wouldn't see that there's a parenthesis before it, which I 
assume is the problem). Wouldn't that work?

It should now be said that I know close to nothing about python scripting, i'm 
just a C coder.. if this thing is kind of hairy to implement, then it's maybe 
not a good idea. But otoh, if it is fairly simple to implement, then it feels 
like it's quite close to a simple parser that could convert basic text markup 
to a \markup expression, i.e.
( foo exp )
\foo { exp }
where foo is one of italic, bold, etc., and exp is a string or an expression 
of the same kind.

uhm.. after reading what I just wrote, I realise that perhaps it is not so 
trivial after all..


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