On Monday 24 May 2004 12.09, johannes schöpfer wrote:
> hello together,
> first of all i want to thank you for your great work.
> please excuse my very bad school-english.
> i'm a jazz-student from stuttgart, germany
> i think i have found a few bugs. i'm using lilypond 2.2.0 since a few
> weeks and i'm working on windows xp, in future probably fedora.

> -there are missing barlines when \set Score.skipBars = ##t is combined
> with repeat "percent".
> example:
> \version "2.2"
> \score{
> \notes{
> \key c \major
> \time 4/4
> \clef violin
> \relative c''{
> \set Score.skipBars = ##t
> R1*2 \repeat "percent" 4 {c1~c}\break
> \set Score.skipBars = ##f
> R1*2 \repeat "percent" 4 {c1~c}
> }
> }
> \paper{raggedright = ##t}
> }

Thanks, this bug has now been added to our bug database.

> -when using \repeat "volta" a tie from end of box 1. should have context
> to the start of the repeat and not to box 2.

This is a known, documented bug.

> -cresc. \< stops midi-output for the rest of the piece.
> example:
> \version "2.2"
> \score{
> \notes{
> \key c \major
> \time 4/4
> \clef violin
> \relative c''{
> c4 e c4 e
> c4\< e c4 e\!
> }}
> \midi{}
> \paper{raggedright = ##t}
> }

Probably an issue with your midi player. When I compile the above, midi output 
is created.

btw, \version should be set more specific: use "2.2.0" instead of "2.2". 
Otherwise convert-ly will complain.


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