On Sat, 28 Aug 2004, Erik Sandberg wrote:

> This is a known problem. You can change Timing.measurePosition as a
> workaround.

Ah, so the question then becomes: will the example in the documentation
be changed?  As a lily neophyte I would have been happy to have
seen a working example for this particular problem.

The following worked for me (I blush to say I'm still using 1.6.12).
Please adjust with appropriate buckets of salt:

---cut here---
\version "1.6.12"

% start the last alternative on the first beat of a new bar.
% This won't be necessary for lilypond versions X.X.X and up
% (make-moment 4 4) is our current time-signature
startLastAlt = {
  \property Timing.measurePosition = #(make-moment 4 4)

\score {
  \context Staff \notes \relative c'' {
  \partial 4
  \repeat volta 4 { e | c2 d2 | e2 f2 | }
  \alternative { { g4 g g } { \startLastAlt a a a a | b2. } }
---cut here---

Keith White, EITI/SITE, University of Ottawa
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [+1 613 562 5800 x6681] FAX [+1 613 562 5664]

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