On Wednesday 01 September 2004 03.05, Julian wrote:
> When the following file is compiled with the CVS version of lilypond
> the dynamic and the slur join up in the first bar and the markup
> is totally obliterated by the notes in the fifth bar.
>   crescPocoAPoco = \markup{ \bold\italic {cresc poco a poco.}}
>   \score {
>           \relative a' {
>                   \clef treble
>                   \time 2/4
>                   r8 f[(\p g) bes]-.
>                   a8[ d( e) g]-.
>                   f8[-. e( f) bes]-.
>                   a8-. r8 r4
>                   bes,8-._\crescPocoAPoco f16( ees) d8-. bes-.
>                   bes'8-. f16( ees) d8-. bes-.
>           }
>   }

These problems are known, and stored in the bug database as slur-text and 
text-collide. The problem with text colliding with music will not be fixed 
until sometime in the far future.


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