On Tuesday 14 September 2004 19.56, J. Scott Amort wrote:
> Hi,
> Try the following ly file:
> \paper { raggedright = ##t}
> globalsettings = {
>       \time 3/4
>       \key c \minor
> }
> \score {
>       \context PianoStaff \relative c' <<
>               \context Staff = upper {
>                       \globalsettings
>                       \clef treble
>                       \acciaccatura b8
>                       <ees g c>2.
>               }
>               \context Staff = lower {
>                       \globalsettings
>                       \clef bass
>                       <c c,>2.
>               }
> }

This is part of the grace note problem. You must pad with dummy grace notes in 
all staves, like:

                \context Staff = lower {
                        \clef bass
                        \grace s8 <c c,>2.


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