On Sunday 26 September 2004 18.28, Sean Reed wrote:
> hello,
> i'm getting the following message in my terminal output when running
> 2.3.18 on mac 10.3.5:
> programming error: No solution found for Bezier intersection.
> Continuing; crossing fingers
> when i run lilypond on my full .ly-file (currently a score of 214
> measures and 17 pages) i receive the error 13 times. a pdf file of the
> score is successfully produced which looks fine.

I reduced it further, to a minimal example. The following report has been 
added to the bug cvs, as progerror-no-solution-bezier.ly.

\version "2.3.18"

\header { texidoc = "
This gives a msg:

programming error: No solution found for Bezier intersection.
reportedin = "2.3.18"

\paper { raggedright = ##t }

\relative c'' { r1\break <f g c>32->( bes-.) }

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