Of course, I should have cross-posted already the previous email to

I just came to think of yet another possible solution, namely to
mimic the \verb command in LaTeX and let the user himself find a
character to use as start and end of the example that's not included
in the LilyPond snippet. Simply take the first character after
\lilypond as the delimiter. Examples that would work then:
\lilypond+\relative c'{c d e f}+
\lilypond' c^+ d e f '
\lilypond{c d e f{

Of course, the final example looks ridiculous, but it's kind of logical
anyway, once you've grasped the main idea.


Mats Bengtsson wrote:
If you change it to
 \lilypond[fragment,relative]{c4 d e f}
it seems to work (apart from the bugs I've already reported).

However, it seems that you have found yet another bug, namely that
lilypond-book strips of all right braces from within the
\lilypond{...} in the generated lily-*.ly files.
Of course, this is a classical parsing problem, since lilypond-book
has to realize which right brace belongs to the example and which
is the end of the example. Since there's no way to describe arbitrarily
deeply nested pairs of braces in a regular expression, I don't see an
easy way to handle the situation, unless we start escaping right braces
within \lilypond{...} or introducing some extra conventions that the final right brace should end the line and the full \lilypond{...} should
be on a single line, or so. At least this limitation should be


Erik Sandberg wrote:


Using 2.3.22, how do I use \lilypond in a .lytex file?

I tried the following file, it gives me errors. If I replace \lilypond{...} with \begin{lilypond}...\end{lilypond}, it all works fine. Is this a bug?

\lilypond{\relative c' {c4 d e f} }

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-- ============================================= Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe =============================================

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