These different solutions are all documented in the manual and I have
updated one of the examples to show how to add both the number and
text if necessary. Still, I find Paul's last question highly relevant.


Does this qualify?

<< s2*5^\markup\large\bold{ To Alto Sax} R2*5 >>

It worked in 2.1.24. I can give you many more examples from versions near there.

exactly my point.

 s2^"foo" R2

is not the same as


I don't know enough about the inner workings to know why that's true so I had no reason to think my small change would make a difference. At least now I know more what to do and what not to do to get what I want.

I take there's a good internal reason why R2^"foo" or at least R2_"foo" has to work that way?



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