On Monday 11 October 2004 10.44, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> To those who know this better; the results are the same with 2.2.5 and
> 2.3.22. What confuses me most is that it doesn't help to add a
> \voiceFour in the lower voice or a \voiceThree in the upper part,
> the single upper note will still get the same horizontal position as
> the chord.

What about the other issues? I don't know enough about typesetting to be sure 
about how it should be done. Should dots be stacked when they collide, as 
they are in bars 3 & 4? And should really all dots be placed to the right of 
the rightmost note of the same beat, if there is space to the left as well?

Anyway I added this example to bug CVS (as dots-polyphony) along with 
typographic questions. The bug's status might be altered when the questions 
are answered.


> Yuval Harel wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >   I'm typesetting a heavily-dotted piece of mine (using Lilypond 2.2.5)
> > and came across some
> > problems with the way Lilypond places dots.
> >
> > This example shows several problems:
> >
> > \score {
> >     \notes {
> >         \new Staff \transpose c c' {
> >             \time 3/4
> >             <<
> >                 {e8. f16 g2} \\
> >                 {<e d b,>2 r4}
> >
> >             <<
> >                 {e8. f16 g2} \\
> >                 {<e d b,>2.}
> >
> >             <<
> >                 {d8. e16 f2} \\
> >                 {<b d>2.}
> >
> >             <<
> >                 {d8. e16 f2} \\
> >                 {<c' a d>2.}
> >
> >         }
> >     }
> > }
> >
> > The most obvious bug is in the second bar. It differs from the first
> > one  only in the dotting
> > of the second voice but somehow that makes the notes collide.
> > Also, the top dot in the second bar seems to have gone too far from
> > whichever note it belongs to.
> > The third bar looks confusing. The second voice appears not to be
> > dotted  on first glance. The dot on the
> > B went quite far AND across a stem.
> > In the fourth bar a dot collides with a beam.
> > I think the correct resolution in all bars should have the second
> > voice,  including its dots, to the left
> > of the first voice.
> > I searched for some examples in scores and found that dots sometimes go
> > to  the left of a concurrent voice
> > (in a Schirmer score).
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >     Yuv
> > al
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
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