Had a couple of problems building the current CVS today.  The first:
lillypond couldn't find its directories when generating embedded cff
files.  I made a patch, which may or may not be the correct way to fix
this, but it works for me:

The second is where lilypond fails building the documentation.  The
fragment if failed on is the following from the "Figured bass" node:

%% Generated by ../../scripts/lilypond-book.py
%% Options: [fragment,quote,raggedright,indent=0\mm,verbatim]

#(set! toplevel-score-handler ly:parser-print-score)
#(set! toplevel-music-handler (lambda (p m)
                                p (ly:music-scorify m p))))

#(define version-seen? #t)

\paper {
  #(define dump-extents #t)
  linewidth = 160\mm - 2.0 * 0.4\in
  raggedright = ##t
  indent = 0\mm

\layout {

% ly snippet contents follows:
  \context Voice { \clef bass dis4 c d ais g fis}
  \context FiguredBass \figuremode {
    < 6 >4 < 7 >8 < 6+ [_!] >
    < 6 >4 <6 5 [3+] >
    < _ >4 < 6 >4

% end ly snippet
I'm attempting to trace this down, but I'd rather have the bug on
report first.  The backtrace is:

Processing `lily-645583943.ly'
Interpreting music... [2]
Preprocessing graphical objects... 
Calculating line breaks... programming error: Stencil::moved_to_edge: adding 
empty stencil.
Continuing; crossing fingers
In /usr/share/guile/1.6/srfi/srfi-1.scm:
 667:  4  (begin (f (car l)) (lp (cdr l)))
 668:  5* [#<procedure #f (f)> "lily-645583943"]
In /usr/local/src/lilypond/share/lilypond/scm/lily.scm:
 361:  6* [catch ly-file-failed #<procedure #f ()> #<procedure #f (key arg)>]
In unknown file:
   ?:  7* [#<procedure #f ()>]
In /usr/local/src/lilypond/share/lilypond/scm/lily.scm:
 361:  8* [ly:parse-file "lily-645583943"]
In unknown file:
   ?:  9* [#<procedure #f (p m)> #<my_lily_parser  > #<Music SequentialMusic>]
In lily-645583943.ly:
   2: 10* [ly:parser-print-score #<my_lily_parser  > #<Score>]
In unknown file:
   ?: 11* [Separating_group_spanner::set_spacing_rods #]
   ?: 12* [Grob::stencil_extent #<Grob BassFigure > 0]
   ?: 13* [Text_interface::print #<Grob BassFigure >]
   ?: 14* [bracketed-y-column-markup #< Output_def> (# # #) (1 1) ...]
   ?: 15* (letrec (# # # #) (let* # #))
In /usr/local/src/lilypond/share/lilypond/scm/define-markup-commands.scm:
 725: 16  (let* (# # # #) (apply ly:stencil-add #))
 733: 17* [stack-stencils (#<Stencil  > #<Stencil  >) 1.25 #f]
 686: 18  (cond ((null? stencils) (quote ())) ((not last-stencil) (cons # #)) 
 689: 19  [cons #<Stencil  > ...
 690: 20* [stack-stencils (#<Stencil  >) 1.25 #<Stencil  >]
 686: 21  (cond ((null? stencils) (quote ())) ((not last-stencil) (cons # #)) 
 692: 22  (let* ((orig #) (dir #) (new #)) (cons new (stack-stencils # bskip 
 694: 23* [ly:stencil-moved-to-edge #<Stencil  > 1 1 #<Stencil  > 0.1 1.25]

In procedure moved_to_edge in expression (ly:stencil-moved-to-edge last-stencil 
Y ...):
Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting ): ()
Michael Welsh Duggan
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