On Sunday 22 May 2005 09.02, Tyler Eaves wrote:
> I'm trying to do some simple bass tablature in the latest version
> (2.5.24).
> Attached you will find the source file I'm using and a sample output
> file. The problem is that the number of lines for the tab staff is off,
> and the numbers aren't centered. I actually reported this bug way back

Thanks for the report. It appears however that the number-of-lines problem is 
fixed in 2.5.25.

The numbers still aren't centered though, so I added this to the bug database.
%Tyler Eaves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

texidoc = "Tablature numbers aren't centered vertically."

reportedin = "2.5.24"

\version "2.5.25"

music = {
%Actual notes go here
  e,,4 e,, e,, e,,

  \new Staff {\clef bass \transpose c c' \music}
  \new TabStaff
    \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #'(-17 -22 -27 -32)


Erik Sandberg
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