(Graham, or someone else, we should really try to make sure that
all commands and reserved words available in LilyPond are listed
in the Index. \layout is one of those missing. Doing such an exercise
would also help identifying what information is missing from the manual

Part of an answer to your question can be found in the
sections "Changing context default settings" and
"Defining new contexts" in the manual. There's also some
information in "Line length", but there doesn't seem to be
any introduction to the concept anywhere. For example, I couldn't
find any information on that you can put a \layout{...} block
on the top level of the file to make it apply to all scores in the
file (or at least within the \book) whereas it will only apply to
the current score if you put the declaration inside \score{...}.


Aaron Mehl wrote:
Hi   all,

In a previous email I asked if layout replaced paper.
I was told to look at outputs, which I did. The paper
output section details \paper{}

but I see no mention of \layout {}

where in the docs is \layout discussed?


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