First of all, I note that you are using a feature that is not mentioned
in the manual, namely \figures, which turns out to be shorthand for
\new FiguredBass \figuremode
(The only documentation of this feature can be found in
but it is also used in the Regression Test example)

Anyway, the problem with your code is that the FiguredBass context
cannot be included within a Staff context (but it can of course be
included in a StaffGroup). So, it should help to move it outside the
Staff context:

\score {
 \new StaffGroup <<
   \new Staff{ \violinsolo }
   \new Staff { \continuo }
\layout {  }


Trent J wrote:
I've tried and tried and tried and tried... and I still can't get the figured bass above the bass line. I've tried following the example in the regression test but since there is no other staves or variables used I can't put the code together that would place the figured bass above the bass line. My Code is as follows: \version "2.6.0"
#(set-global-staff-size 16)
#(set-default-paper-size "a4")
\header {
  title = "Sonata I"
hsize = 2\cm
topmargin = 2\cm
bottommargin = 2\cm
leftmargin =2\cm
linewidth =17\cm
violinsolo = \new Voice {  \relative c '' {
\time 4/4
\key f \major
c4. f8 e f r16 f,( c' f)
d8 c bes4 a r8 a'16( f)
g8 c, r f16( d) e8 a, r d16( bes)
c8 f, bes16( g') bes,( a) a8( g) r16 c,( g' bes)
bes16( g) a8 r16 d,( a' c) c( a) bes8 r16 g( d' f~)
f32 e[ g16.] f32[ a16.] g32[ bes16.] a32[ c16] \grace { d16[ c]} b8 g c c,
a'16( f) g( e) f4\trill e r8 c
d4. c'16( e,) f8 c f4~
f8 e16( d) c8[ e] d[ g,] g'4
g8 f16( e) f8 d ees2~
e8 d16( c) d8 c c4( c16 a') bes,( a)
bes2~ bes8 a a16[( bes32 a) e'16 g,]
fis8 d g c bes4 a
<< { gis8 e a a' a4( g } \\ {s2. bes,4 } >>
<< { g'8 f) c8_([ d32 c bes a64 g]) \grace f8 e16 d'_( c e,) f_( c') a_( f) } \\ { a4 s2. } >> d32( e16 f32) c( c'64 a f32 e64 d) \grace c8 bes8\trill[( bes32 a bes c)] bes8( a) r16 f( c' ees) e16^\markup{ \smaller \flat }( c) d8 r16 g,( d' f) f16( d) e!8 r16 c( g' bes)
bes16( a c, a') a( g c, g') g( f bes, f') f(e a, ees')
e16^\markup{ \smaller \flat }( d f, d') d( c f, c') b4 a~
a8 bes16( g) \grace a8 g8.\trill f16 e4 c'8 d
a4 g f2^\fermata \bar "||"
\partial 8
c'8 f8. f16 f8 f \grace g8 f16( e) f8 f16.[( g32 a16) g32 f]
g16[ c, c32( b c16)] g'16.[ a32 b16 a32 g] a16[ c, \grace d8 c32( b c16)] \times 2/3 { f16[( g a-.] } \times 2/3 { a16-.[ g f] )} g16[ c, \grace d8 c32( b c16)] \times 2/3 {g'16[( a b-.]} \times 2/3 {b16-.[ a g])} \grace b8 a32 g f8. r4
a,8-.([ a-.] a16.[ b32) c16 b32 a] g32 e c8. r4
a'8-.([ a-.] a16.[ b32) c16 b32 a] g32 e c8. r8 c'
f16.[( g32 a16) g32 f ] e16.[( f32 g16) f32 e] d16([ g,) \grace a8 g32( fis g16]) d16 g b, g' g,16([ b') \grace c8 b32( a b16)] g b d, b' g,([ g'' \grace a8 g32( fis g16)] d g b, g'
g,([ b' \grace c8 b32( a b16)] g b d, b' g,,4 r

continuo = {  \relative c {
 \clef "bass"
 \key f \major
f8 g a bes~ bes a16 g a8 f
bes8 a g c, f, f'16 g a8 f~
f8 e16 d e8 d8. s16 c bes c8 bes
bes8 a g f c4 e'
f4 fis4 g bes,
c8 d e f~ f e16 d e8 c
f8 e d g, c4 c'~
c8 bes16( a) bes4. a16( g) a8 f
g8 c, c'4. bes16( a) bes8 g
a8 d, d'4. c16( bes) c8 a
bes2~ bes8 a16( g) a8 fis
g8 f ees d cis cis cis cis
c4 b8 ees d4 d'~
d8 c16( b) c8 d e d e e,
f8 g a bes~ bes a16 g a8 f
bes8 a g c, f4 a,
bes4 b c e
f4 e d c
b a g f
b b'2 a8 b
c,2 f,^\fermata \bar "||"
\partial 8
r8 f''4 e d8 c16 bes a8 f
bes8 g e c f c a f
fb = \figures {
s2 <2 4>8 < 6>8 s4
s4 <7>8 <7>8 s2
<2 5>4. <5>8 <2 5>4 s8 <5>8
<2 5>4 <6>4 <4 6>8 <3 5>8 <6>8 <5>8
<9>8 <8>8 <6>8 <5>8 <9>8 <8>8 <6>8 <5>8
<9>16 <8>16 <9>16 <8>16 <9>16 <8>16 <9>16 <8>16 <2 4!>8 <6>4.
s4  <7>8 <_! 7>8 s2
<2 4>4 <3>8 <4 6>8 <2 5>8 s8 <6>4
<7>4 <3>4 <2 5>4 <6>4
<7>4 <3>4 <2- 4>4 <_- 6>4
<4>4 <3>4 <2 4->4 <6+>4
<9>4 <5>4 <7>8 <6>8 s8 <5 6>8
<2 4->4 <6>8 <6>8 <4 6>4 <3- 5>4
<2 4- 6! >2 <4 6>4 <3 5->4
<9>8 <7>8 <6>8 <6>8 <2 4>8 <6>8 s4
s4 <7>8 <7>8 s4 <6>8 <5->8
<9>8 <8>8 <6>8 <5>8 <9>8 <8>8 <6>8 <5>8
<9>8 <8>8 <6>4 <6>4 <6>4
<5>4 <6>4 <6>4 s4
<7>4 <6>4 <2 4>4 <6>4
<4 6>4 <3 5>4 s2
\score {
 \new StaffGroup <<
 \new Staff << \violinsolo>>
 \new Staff << \fb
 \context Voice { \continuo }
\layout {  }
I think it's in the score section but not to sure. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers Trent


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