Graham has clearly pointed out a bug. It's easier to see in the
following example:


\score { \new StaffGroup \new Staff \relative c' {
 \repeat unfold 8 {c4 c c c } \break
 \repeat unfold 8 {d4 d d d } \break
 \repeat unfold 8 {e4 e e e } \break
 \repeat unfold 8 {f4 f f f } \break
 \repeat unfold 8 {g4 g g g } \break


What seems to happen is that when the bar numbers get two digits,
then they start sticking out to the left of the staff so the left
edge of the bounding box of the .eps files changes.

The same problem appears much more pronounced if you set
  \set Staff.instrument = "..."
which gives a first line that is totally misplaced with respect
to the others.

So, the current solution in lilypond-book for LaTeX with separate .eps
files for each score line definitely needs some polishing before it
gets useful.


Graham Percival wrote:

On 7-Jul-05, at 3:48 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

It's certainly possible to let lilypond-book automatically detect the
text height of the LaTeX document and set the vsize correspondingly.
However, it's not so much use since
1. It's only relevant when you explicitly have a \book{..} in
   your .ly code (which it turn is mainly useful to be able to use
   \pagebreak in the .ly code)

It also avoids some other problems -- the first few lines are shifted
to the left (relative to the other lines):


\score { \relative c' {
 \repeat unfold 8 {c4 c c c } \break
 \repeat unfold 8 {d4 d d d } \break
 \repeat unfold 8 {e4 e e e } \break
 \repeat unfold 8 {f4 f f f } \break
 \repeat unfold 8 {g4 g g g } \break


Basically, lilypond-book without \book is only usable for single-line examples. That's ok; it's still useful for musicological documents. But as a mechanism
for publishing music, you need to use \book{}.

2. If you already have some commands in your .ly code that affects the
   page size, then they will override the setting done by lilypond-book,
   since lilybook inserts the commands at the top of the code.

The only reason to have such commands is as a workaround for these
bugs.  :)

- Graham

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
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