What LilyPond version do you use?
Note that the latest stable version is 2.6.x.


Will Fitzgerald wrote:
Note that the half notes all have their noteheads reversed, and there
is a gap between the staff and the notehead. Also, the whole notes may
sometimes be reversed (I think in the 2nd two cases).

\version "2.3.22"
soprano =  \relative c' {
 \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(fa #f la fa #f la mi)
  f4 f4 f4 f4  |  f2 f2 | f1 |
  c'4 c4 c4 c4 | c2 c2 | c1 |
  f4 f4 f4 f4  |  f2 f2 | f1 |
\score {
  << \new Staff { \context Voice \soprano }
  \layout { }

As a aside, the documentation talks about 'shaped notes,' but the
standard term is 'shape notes' in the shape note tradition.


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        Signal Processing
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