Lyrics context inherits InstrumentName from its parent context and EXTENT.


\version "2.7.36"
\score { 
  \context ChoirStaff 
  \with { \consists Instrument_name_engraver
          instrument = \markup { " " \translate #'(-3 . -27) "CORO" }
          instr = \markup { " " \translate #'(-3 . -12) "coro" }
    \context Staff = "1" \with {instrument = "S" }
    \context Voice = "v1" { c'4 d' e' f' }
    \context Lyrics = "l1" {s1}
    \context Staff = "2" \with {instrument = "A" }
    \context Voice = "v2" { c'4 d' e' f' }
    \context Lyrics = "l2" {s1}
    \context Staff = "3" \with {instrument = "T" }
    \context Voice = "v3" { c'4 d' e' f' }
    \context Lyrics = "l3" {s1}
    \context Staff = "4" \with {instrument = "B" }
    \context Voice = "v4" { c'4 d' e' f' }
    \context Lyrics = "l4" {s1}
    %% ---
    \context Lyrics = "l1" \lyricsto "v1" \lyricmode{ la -- la -- la -- la } 
    \context Lyrics = "l2" \lyricsto "v2" \lyricmode{ la -- la -- la -- la } 
    \context Lyrics = "l3" \lyricsto "v3" \lyricmode{ la -- la -- la -- la } 
    \context Lyrics = "l4" \lyricsto "v4" \lyricmode{ la -- la -- la -- la } 


%%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
\version "2.7.36"
\score { 
  \context ChoirStaff 
  \with { \consists Instrument_name_engraver
          instrument = \markup { " " \translate #'(-3 . -27) "CORO" }
          instr = \markup { " " \translate #'(-3 . -12) "coro" }
    \context Staff = "1" \with {instrument = "S" }
    \context Voice = "v1" { c'4 d' e' f' }
    \context Lyrics = "l1" {s1}
    \context Staff = "2" \with {instrument = "A" }
    \context Voice = "v2" { c'4 d' e' f' }
    \context Lyrics = "l2" {s1}
    \context Staff = "3" \with {instrument = "T" }
    \context Voice = "v3" { c'4 d' e' f' }
    \context Lyrics = "l3" {s1}
    \context Staff = "4" \with {instrument = "B" }
    \context Voice = "v4" { c'4 d' e' f' }
    \context Lyrics = "l4" {s1}
    %% ---
    \context Lyrics = "l1" \lyricsto "v1" \lyricmode{ la -- la -- la -- la } 
    \context Lyrics = "l2" \lyricsto "v2" \lyricmode{ la -- la -- la -- la } 
    \context Lyrics = "l3" \lyricsto "v3" \lyricmode{ la -- la -- la -- la } 
    \context Lyrics = "l4" \lyricsto "v4" \lyricmode{ la -- la -- la -- la } 

Attachment: 27-bug-lyrics-instrumentName.pdf
Description: PDF result

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