Congratulations for your wonderfull program.

I supose I found a bug: these two line of scores should give the same output.
this would avoid a seldom 3voice tempo to have 3 voice score all the time.

\version "2.6.3"

\score {
\time 3/4
{\stemUp f''2 e''4}\\
{<<{\stemDown c'2.}\\{\stemDown s4 <e' g' c''>2}>>}>>
\score {
\time 3/4
{\stemUp f''2 e''4}\\
{\stemDown c'2.}\\
{\stemDown s4 <e' g' c''>2}>>

Another thing: In guitar it is comon to make an arpeggio down and up over the
same notes. How can I place a \arpeggioDown\arpeggioUp on a set of notes?

Thanks a lot

Tiago Morin

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