On 3/13/06, Marcus Macauley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >From a quick search of the archives I didn't see either of these bugs 
> >mentioned.
> Sorry if I missed something.
> I'm attaching a score excerpt which demonstrates two spacing bugs.
> 1. The tuplets are spaced unevenly. (See e.g. the quintuplets in bars 4-9, and
> the triplets in bar 8.)
> 2. The staves are spaced unevenly. If this is by design, I think it should be
> redesigned. If anything, the distance between Piano I and Piano II should be
> greater than the distance between the right- and left-hand staves within each
> piano part. As it appears, the opposite is true. I'm not sure why, unless this
> is a bug.
> While I'm at it, I'll mention...
> 3. that the ottava (8va) bracket, when it continues on the second line, should
> really be parenthesized. I didn't see this mentioned in the list archives when
> searching for 8va, ottava, parenthesis, parentheses, parenthesize,
> parenthesized, and combinations thereof.
> Maybe I should have broken this up into several messages, but I'm not very
> familiar with the bug reporting procedures and not certain whether these bugs 
> or
> possible features are known, or if I've missed something. If I should have
> posted this differently, please advise me.
> Anyway, the score in Lilypond markup follows below.
> Regards,
> Marcus
> \version "2.7.28"
> \header {
>         title = "fort(r)etude"
>         subtitle = "version for 2 players"
>         composer = "Marcus Macauley"
> }
> \include "english.ly"
> staffPianoI = \new PianoStaff {
>         \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
>         \set PianoStaff.instrument = #"Piano I"
>                 \time 2/4
> %                               \tempo 2 = 90
>                         <<
>                 \context Staff = "RH" {
>                         \clef treble
>                         \relative c'''' {
>                                 #(set-octavation 1) % begin 8va bracket
>                                 \repeat unfold 3 {\times 4/5 {c8 c c c c } |}
>                                 \repeat unfold 3 {\times 4/5 {c8 c c c c } |}
>                                 \repeat unfold 3 {\times 4/5 {c8 c c c c } |}
>                                 #(set-octavation 0) % end 8va bracket
>                         }
>                 }
>                 \context Staff = "LH" {
>                         \clef treble
>                         \relative c''' {
>                                 R2 R R % C begins
>                                 \repeat unfold 3 {\times 2/3 {ef4 ef ef} |}
>                                 \repeat unfold 3 {\times 2/3 {ef4 ef ef} |}
>                         }
>                 }
>         >>
> }
> staffPianoII = \new PianoStaff {
>         \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
>         \set PianoStaff.instrument = #"Piano II"
> %                               \tempo 2 = 90
>                         <<
>                 \context Staff = "RH" {
>                         \clef treble
>                         \relative c'' {
>                                 R2 R R
>                                 R R R
>                                 cs4. cs8~cs4 cs4~cs8 cs4.
>                         }
>                 }
>                 \context Staff = "LH" {
>                         \clef treble
>                         \relative c {
>                                 R2 R R
>                                 R R R
>                                 R R R
>                         }
>                 }
>         >>
> }
> \score {
>         <<
>                 \staffPianoI
>                 \staffPianoII
>         >>
>         \midi {
>                 \tempo 2 = 90
>         }
>         \layout  {
>         }
> }
> \paper {
> }

Hi Marcus,

Bug #1 can be fixed by turning on uniform-stretching in the SpacingSpanner:

\new Score \with {
   \override SpacingSpanner #'uniform-stretching = ##t

       \midi {
               \tempo 2 = 90

       \layout  {

\paper {

Turn this property (and most other properties of the abstract
SpacingSpanner) on at the beginning of the score.

Whether tuplets should induce ugly spacing gaps seems to be the matter
of some political debate, so for some time longer you may have to
continue to set uniform-stretching by hand in any of your pieces that
include overlapping tuplets ;-)


Trevor Bača
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