----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Trent Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Trent Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Nicolas Sceaux"
Cc: <bug-lilypond@gnu.org>
Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2006 12:44 AM
Subject: Re: alignment-vertical-manual-setting

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Trent Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Nicolas Sceaux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: <bug-lilypond@gnu.org>
> Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2006 12:30 AM
> Subject: Re: alignment-vertical-manual-setting
> |
> | ----- Original Message ----- 
> | From: "Nicolas Sceaux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> | To: "Trent Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> | Cc: <bug-lilypond@gnu.org>
> | Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2006 12:05 AM
> | Subject: Re: alignment-vertical-manual-setting
> |
> |
> | | "Trent Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | |
> | | > Hello everyone,
> | | >
> | | > I'm having trouble with the "alignment-vertical-manual-setting"
> | | >
> | | > I'm using the correct syntax below is an example
> | | >
> | | > \overrideProperty
> | | > #"Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn"
> | | > #'line-break-system-details
> | | > #'((alignment-offsets . (55 44 33 22 11 5 0)))
> | | >
> | | > but every now and then the override will not work the staves will
> | in
> | | > their orignal positions.
> | | >
> | | > I know there was some problems with this a couple of releases ago so
> | | > wonder if there is a problem still somewhere.
> | | >
> | | > I can provide an example but the file is large.
> | |
> | | If you're not using the built-in page breaking scheme, then this is
> | | explanation. In that case, please contact me privately, for my custom
> | | page breaking function does not have this feature. If you have a
> | | of vertical layout, try to reproduce the problem by getting rid of all
> | | non built-in functions, for custom functions should be the first place
> | | to look for bugs.
> | |
> | | Try again with:
> | |  \paper { #(define page-breaking optimal-page-breaks) }
> | |
> |
> | Hi Nicolas,
> |
> | I removed your page-break schemes before I made the changes. I've taken
> all
> | the separate files and placed them into one file that compiles. The
> | alignment settings are in "staffCelloII".
> |
> | The problems are as follows:
> |
> | Page 2 the 3rd system there are no changes.
> |
> | Page 3 the 2nd system there are no changes.
> |
> | Page 6 the 2nd system there are no changes.
> |
> | Pages 7 and 8 I've made no changes.
> |
> | Trent
> |
>  Woops forgot to say I'm using 2.9.10
> Trent


I've managed to scale back my file to show the above bug behaviour.

In the system beginning bar 33 no matter what I make the settings the staves
do not move.

The systems above and below have no problems I even put a exaggerated value
in the bottom system which still works.

This is not an isolated incident as in the full version of the file there
are several other places where manually adjusting the line doesn't seem to

I've tried this in both 2.8.5 stable and 2.9.10 with the same results.



% Created on Sun Jul 09 00:07:50 EST 2006
\version "2.9.5"

#(set-global-staff-size 14)

\header {

flatBeam = {
\once \override Voice.Beam #'damping = #100000

manBeam = 
#(define-music-function (parser location beg end)
                        (number? number?)
#{ \once \override Beam #'positions = #(cons $beg $end) #})

\include "english.ly"

global = {
\time 6/8
\key g \major
\partial 4. s4.
%\set Score.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 3 8)
%s4. \bar "|."

verse= \lyricmode {
Heu -- te noch, heu -- te noch,
lie -- ber Va -- ter, thut es doch,

heu -- te noch, heu -- te noch,
lie -- ber Va -- ter, thut es doch,

Ach, ein Mann! ach, ach, ein Mann!
wahr -- lich, die -- ser steht mir an.

Heu -- te noch, heu -- te noch,
lie -- ber Va -- ter, thut es __ doch.

Ach, ach, ach, ein Mann! die -- ser steht mir treff -- lich an.

Heu -- te noch, heu -- te noch,
lie -- ber Va -- ter, thut es doch,

heu -- te noch, lie -- ber Va -- ter, thut es doch,

heu -- te noch, heu -- te noch, heu -- te noch,
lie -- ber Va -- ter, thut es doch, ach, ein
Mann, ach, ach, ein Mann, wahr -- lich, die -- ser steht mir an, ach, ein Mann, ach, ach, ein Mann, wahr -- lich, die -- ser steht mir __ an. __

Ach, ach, ach, ein Mann, wahr -- lich,
die -- ser steht mir an. Heu -- te

noch, heu -- te noch, lie -- ber Va -- ter, thut es doch.

Wenn es sich doch bal -- de füg -- te,
dass ich end -- lich vor Cof -- fee, __
eh ich noch zu Bet -- te geh, __
ei -- nen wa -- ckern Lieb -- sten krieg -- te.

Wenn es sich doch bal -- de füg -- te,
dass ich ei -- nen Lieb -- sten krieg -- te,

wenn es sich doch bal -- de füg -- te,
dass ich end -- lich vor Cof -- fee, __
eh ich noch zu Bet -- te geh, __
ei -- nen wa -- ckern Lieb -- sten krieg -- te,

dass ich end -- lich vor Cof -- fee,
eh ich noch zu Bet -- te geh, __
ei -- nen wa -- ckern,
ei -- nen wa -- ckern Lieb -- sten krieg -- te.

staffViolin = \new Staff << \global {
	\time 6/8
	\set Staff.instrument="Violin"
	\set Staff.midiInstrument="violin"
	\key g \major
	\clef treble
	\relative c'' {
%bar 0
g8. fs16 g8
%bar 1
d4 r8 b'8. a16 b8
%bar 3
g4 r8 d'8. e16 d8
%bar 4
d8. g16 d8 d8. c16 d8
%bar 5
\appoggiatura c8 b4. a4 a16( b32 c)
%bar 6
b4 b16( c32 d) a4 a16( b32 c)
%bar 7
\appoggiatura c8 b4. b4 b16( c32 d)
%bar 8
c4 c16( d32 e) b4 b16( c32 d)
%bar 9
\appoggiatura d8 c4. c8. b16 c8
%bar 10
d,4 c'8 b8. a16 b8
%bar 11
c,4 b'8 a8. g16 a8
%bar 12
b,8. a'16 g8 a,8. g'16 fs8
%bar 13
g4. g8.\p fs16 g8
%bar 14
d4 r8 b'8. a16 b8
%bar 15
g4 r8 d'8. e16 d8
%bar 16
d8. g16 d8 d8. c16 d8
%bar 17
\appoggiatura c8 b4 r8 d,4\f d16( e32 f)
%bar 18
e4 e16( f32 g) d4 d16( e32 f)
%bar 19
e4 r8 e4 e16( fs32 g)
%bar 20
fs4 fs16( g32 a) e4 e16( fs32 g)
%bar 21
\appoggiatura g8 fs4 r8 g8.\p fs16 g8
%bar 22
d4 r8 b'8. a16 b8
%bar 23
g4 r8 d'8. e16 d8
%bar 24
d8. g16 d8 d8. c16 d8
%bar 25
\appoggiatura c8 b4 r8 d,4.~
%bar 26
d4.~ d4.~
%bar 27
d16 g( b d b g) e4.~
%bar 28
e4.~ e4.~
%bar 29
e16 a( c e c a) e4 r8
%bar 30
c'8. b16 c8 b4 r8
%bar 31
b8. a16 b8 a4 g'8
%bar 32
fs8. e16 d8 a'8 g16( fs e d)
%bar 33
\appoggiatura d8 cs4 r8 e4 e16( fs32 g)
%bar 34
\appoggiatura g8 fs4 fs16( g32 a) e4 e16( fs32 g)
%bar 35
\appoggiatura g8 fs4 r8 fs4 fs16( g32 a)
%bar 36
\appoggiatura a8 g4 g16( a32 b) fs4 fs16( g32 a)
%bar 37
g4 r8 g8. fs16 g8
%bar 38
a,4 g'8 fs8. e16 fs8
%bar 39
g,4 fs'8 e8. d16 e8
%bar 40
fs,8. e'16 d8 e,8. d'16 cs8
%bar 41
d4 r8 d8.\f cs16 d8
\bar "|."

} >>

staffViolinII = \new Staff  {
	\set Staff.instrument="Violin"
	\set Staff.midiInstrument="violin"
	\key g \major
	\clef treble
	\relative c' {
%bar 0
d8. c16 d8
%bar 1
b4 r8 g'8. fs16 g8
%bar 2
d4 r8 b'4 c8
%bar 3
b8. d16 b8 b8. g16 a8
%bar 4
g4. a8 fs a
%bar 5
g4 g8 a8 fs a
%bar 6
g4. b8 gs b
%bar 7
a4 a8 b8 gs b
%bar 8
a4. a4 a8
%bar 9
a8. fs16 d8 g4 g8
%bar 10
g8. e16 c8 d4 d8
%bar 11
d4 e8 e4 d8
%bar 12
d4. d8.\p c16 d8
%bar 13
b4 r8 g'8. fs16 g8
%bar 14
d4 r8 b'4 c8
%bar 15
b8. d16 b8 b8. g16 a8
%bar 16
g4 r8 g4.~\f
%bar 17
g8 c g g4.~
%bar 18
g8 c g a4.~
%bar 19
a8 d a a4.~
%bar 20
a8 fs d d8.\p c16 d8
%bar 21
b4 r8 g'8. fs16 g8
%bar 22
d4 r8 b'4 c8
%bar 23
b8. d16 b8 b8. g16 a8
%bar 24
g4 r8 r4 r8
%bar 25
%bar 26
d'8 b g r4 r8
%bar 27
%bar 28
e'8 c a r4 r8
%bar 29
a8 fs d g4 r8
%bar 30
g8 e b e4 e'8
%bar 31
a,8. cs16 d8 d a b
%bar 32
a4 r8 e'8 cs e
%bar 33
d4 d8 e8 cs e
%bar 34
d4. fs8 ds fs
%bar 35
e8 b e fs ds fs
%bar 36
e4 r8 e4 e8
%bar 37
e8. cs16 a8 d4 d8
%bar 38
d8. b16 g8 a4 a8
%bar 39
a4 b8 a8. b16 g8
%bar 40
fs4 r8 a8.\f g16 a8

staffViola = \new Staff  {
	\set Staff.instrument="Viola"
	\set Staff.midiInstrument="viola"
	\key g \major
	\clef alto
	\relative c' {
%bar 0
b8. a16 b8
%bar 1
g4 r8 d'8. c16 d8
%bar 2
b4 r8 g'4 fs8
%bar 3
g8. fs16 g8 g8. e16 fs8
%bar 4
d4. d4 d8
%bar 5
d8 g, d' d4 d8
%bar 6
d8 g, d' e4 e8
%bar 7
e8 a, e' e4 e8
%bar 8
e8 a, e' e4 e8
%bar 9
d4 d8 d4 d8
%bar 10
c4 c8 c4 c8
%bar 11
b4 b8 a4 a8
%bar 12
b4. b8.\p a16 b8
%bar 13
g4 r8 d'8. c16 d8
%bar 14
b4 r8 g'4 fs8
%bar 15
g8. d16 g8 g8. e16 fs8
%bar 16
d4 r8 d\f b g
%bar 17
g4 c8 d8 b g
%bar 18
g4 c8 e cs a
%bar 19
a4 d8 e cs a
%bar 20
a4 r8 b8.\p a16 b8
%bar 21
g4 r8 d'8. c16 d8
%bar 22
b4 r8 g'4 fs8
%bar 23
g8. d16 g8 g8. e16 fs8
%bar 24
d4 r8 r4 r8
%bar 25
%bar 26
b'8 g d r4 r8
%bar 27
%bar 28
c'8 a e r4 r8
%bar 29
d8 fs a d,4 r8
%bar 30
e8 b g a4 a8
%bar 31
d8. e16 fs8 fs d g
%bar 32
e4 r8 a4 a8
%bar 33
a8 d, a' a4 a8
%bar 34
a8 d, a' b8 a b
%bar 35
b4 b8 b4 b8
%bar 36
b8 e, b' b4 b8
%bar 37
a4 a8 a4 a8
%bar 38
g4 g8 g4 e8
%bar 39
d4 d8 d8. b16 e8
%bar 40
fs4 r8 fs8.\f e16 fs8
\bar "|."

staffCello = \new Staff  {
	\set Staff.instrument="Cello"
	\set Staff.midiInstrument="cello"
	\key g \major
	\clef bass
	\relative c {
g4 r8
%bar 1
g'8. fs16 g8 g,4 r8
%bar 2
g'8. fs16 g8 g,4 a8
%bar 3
b4 g8 d'4 d,8
%bar 4
g16 b d g fs e fs a d a fs d
%bar 5
g16 b d b g d fs a d a fs d
%bar 6
g16 b d c b a gs b e b gs e
%bar 7
a16 c e c a e gs b e b gs e
%bar 8
a16 c e d c b a c e c a c
%bar 9
fs,16 a d a fs a g b d b g b
%bar 10
e,16 g c g e g fs a c a fs a
%bar 11
g4 e8 c4 d8
%bar 12
g8. fs16 g8 g,4\p r8
%bar 13
g'8. fs16 g8 g,4 r8
%bar 14
g'8. fs16 g8 g,4 a8
%bar 15
b4 g8 d'4 d,8
%bar 16
g16 b d g d c b\f d g d b g
%bar 17
c16 e g e c g b d g d b g
%bar 18
c16 e g f e d cs e a e cs a
%bar 19
d16 fs? a fs d a cs e a e cs a
%bar 20
d16 e d c? b a g4 r8
%bar 21
g'8. fs16 g8 g,4 r8
%bar 22
g'8. fs16 g8 g,4 a8
%bar 23
b4 g8 d'4 d,8
%bar 24
g16 b d g fs e fs a d a fs d
%bar 25
g16 b d b g d fs a d a fs d
%bar 26
g8 r r gs16 b e b gs e
%bar 27
a16 c e c a e gs b e b gs e
%bar 28
a8 r r a16 c e c a c
%bar 29
fs,16 a d a fs a g b d b g b
%bar 30
e,16 g b g e g cs, e a e cs e
%bar 31
d4 b8 fs4 g8
%bar 32
a16 cs e a e d cs e a e cs a
%bar 33
d16 fs a fs d a cs e a e cs a
%bar 34
d16 fs a g fs e ds fs b fs ds b
%bar 35
e16 g b g e b ds fs b fs ds b
%bar 36
e16 g b a g fs e g b g e g
%bar 37
cs,16 e a e cs e d fs a fs d fs
%bar 38
b,16 d g d b d cs e a e cs e
%bar 39
fs8 fs, g a g a
%bar 40
d8.\f cs16 d8 d,4 r8
\bar "|."

staffSoprano = \new Staff  {
	\set Staff.instrument="Soprano"
	\set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
	\key g \major
	\clef treble
	\relative c'' {
		\context Voice = "melodySop" {
%bar 0
r4 r8
%bar 1-11
%bar 12
r4 r8 g8. fs16[ g8]
%bar 13
d4 r8 b'8. a16[ b8]
%bar 14
g4 r8 d'8. e16[ d8]
%bar 15
d8.[ g16] d8 d8. c16[ d8]
%bar 16
b4 r8 r4 r8
%bar 17-19
%bar 20
r4 r8 g8. fs16[ g8]
%bar 21
d4 r8 b'8. a16[ b8]
%bar 22
g4 r8 d'8. e16[ d8]
%bar 23
d8.[ g16] d8 d8. c16[ d8]
%bar 24
b4 r8 a4 a16[ b32 c]
%bar 25
b4 d8 a4 a16[ b32 c]
%bar 26
b4 r8 b4 b16[ c32 d]
%bar 27
c4 e8 b4 b16[ c32 d]
%bar 28
c4 r8 c8. b16[ c8]
%bar 29
a'4 r8 b,8. a16[ b8]
%bar 30
g'4 r8 a,8[ e'] g8
%bar 31
fs8.[ e16] d8 a' g16[ fs e d]
%bar 32
cs4 r8 a[ g'] r
%bar 33
g8[ fs] r e[ a,] g'8
%bar 34
fs4 r8 a,16[ b c8] b8
%bar 35
b8[ ds] e a[ g] fs
%bar 36
g4 r8 g16[ fs e fs] g8
%bar 37
a,4 r8 a d16[ e fs8]
%bar 38
fs4 r8 e8. fs16[ g8]
%bar 39
a8. g16[ fs8] g8. fs16[ e8]
%bar 40
d4 r8 r4 r8

	\bar "|."

staffCelloII = \new Staff  {
	\set Staff.instrument="Cello"
	\set Staff.midiInstrument="cello"
	\key g \major
	\clef bass
	\relative c {
#'((alignment-offsets . (50 40 30 20 10 0)))
g4 r8
%bar 1
g'8. fs16 g8 g,4 r8
%bar 2
g'8. fs16 g8 g,4 a8
%bar 3
b4 g8 d'4 d,8
%bar 4
g4 r8 fs' d fs \break
#'((alignment-offsets . (50 40 30 20 10 0)))
%bar 5
g8 b g fs d fs
%bar 6
g4 r8 gs e gs
%bar 7
a8 c a gs e gs
%bar 8
a4 r8 a e a \break
#'((alignment-offsets . (50 40 30 20 10 4 0)))
%bar 9
fs8 d fs g d g
%bar 10
e8 c e fs d fs
%bar 11
g4 e8 c4 d8
%bar 12
g8. fs16 g8 g,4\p r8
%bar 13
g'8. fs16 g8 g,4 r8 \pageBreak
#'((alignment-offsets . (57 46 35 22 11 5 0)))
%bar 14
g'8. fs16 g8 g,4 a8
%bar 15
b4 g8 d'4 d,8
%bar 16
g4 r8 b\f g b
%bar 17
c8 e c b g b
%bar 18
c4 r8 cs a cs \break
#'((alignment-offsets . (55 44 33 22 11 5 0)))
%bar 19
d8 fs d cs a cs
%bar 20
\set beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 3 8)
d8. c?16( b a) g4\p r8
%bar 21
\set beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)
g'8. fs16 g8 g,4 r8
%bar 22
g'8. fs16 g8 g,4 a8
%bar 23
b4 g8 d'4 d,8 \break
#'((alignment-offsets . (55 44 33 22 11 5 0)))
%bar 24
g4 r8 fs'( d fs)
%bar 25
g8( b g) fs( d fs)
%bar 26
g4 r8 gs( e gs)
%bar 27
a8( c a) gs( e gs) \pageBreak
#'((alignment-offsets . (55 44 33 22 11 5 0)))
%bar 28
a4 r8 a( e a)
%bar 29
fs8( d fs) g( d g)
%bar 30
e8( g e) cs( a' cs,)
%bar 31
d4 b8 fs4 g8
%bar 32
a4 r8 cs( a cs) \break
#'((alignment-offsets . (50 40 30 20 10 5 -5)))
%bar 33
d8( fs d) cs( a cs)
%bar 34
d4 r8 ds( b ds)
%bar 35
e8( g e) ds( b ds)
%bar 36
e4 r8 e( b e) \break
#'((alignment-offsets . (55 44 33 22 11 5 -5)))
%bar 37
cs8( a cs) d( a d)
%bar 38
b8( g b) cs( a cs)
%bar 39
fs8 fs, g a g a
%bar 40
d8.\f cs16 d8 d,4 r8
	\bar "|."


\score {
		\context Lyrics = "lmelodySop" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "melodySop" \verse }
	\midi {

\layout  {
indent = 30
 %system-count = 24
 \context { \Lyrics \consists "Bar_engraver" }
\context { \Lyrics \consists "Separating_line_group_engraver" }
\context { \Lyrics \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t }
\context{ \StaffGroup \override SystemStartBracket #'collapse-height = #1 }

\paper {
left-margin = 1\cm
line-width = 19.1\cm
ragged-bottom = ##f
ragged-last-bottom = ##f
system-height = #0
between-system-space = #1

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