Hi Mats,

I sent the message as this was the first time these warning signs appeared. 
I've got global statements in all my scores and this is first time these 
errors appeared.

I flaged it because others might think something is wrong with their 
scores.. I started removing some of the statements and other bits in my 
globel files before I realised what was going on... others may do the same 
before they realise the error is harmless.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mats Bengtsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Trent Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <bug-lilypond@gnu.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: Using \global - Lilypond 2.9.20 Windows

|I actually find the warning message relevant. Consider the following
| example:
| \score{
| <<
|  \new Staff{ \mark "Mark in first stave" c'1}
|  \new Staff{ \mark "Mark in second stave" e'1}
| >>
| }
| Clearly, LilyPond will only typeset one  of these marks, but it's not
| really
| well-defined which one and the program should definitely tell that that 
| user probably has made a mistake and the program had to make a decision
| on which mark to typeset.
| In your case, you know why the warning appears and you know that you can
| ignore it, since you only have \mark commands in your \global. If you
| want to
| get rid of the warnings, you could add the \mark commands in a separate
| variable
| that's only included at the top stave of the score, or you could use the
| \tag feature
| to do the same thing.
|   /Mats
| Trent Johnston wrote:
| > Hi Everyone,
| >
| > This seems to be a cosmetic problem but when using a global variable
| > for text marks or \newSpacingSection a warning: Two similatneous
| > (whatver) events, junking this one. The output is correct but the
| > warnings never appeared before.
| >
| > Trent
| >
| > =======================
| >
| > C:\Documents and Settings\trent.\Desktop>lilypond testii
| > GNU LilyPond 2.9.20
| > Processing `testii.ly'
| > Parsing...
| > Interpreting music...
| > warning: Two simultaneous mark events, junking this one
| > warning: Previous mark event here
| > warning: Two simultaneous mark events, junking this one
| > warning: Previous mark event here[5]
| > Preprocessing graphical objects...
| > Interpreting music...
| > MIDI output to `testii.midi'...
| > Track...
| > Layout output to `testii.ps'...
| > Converting to `testii.pdf'...
| >
| > ========================
| > \version "2.9.20"
| >
| >     global= {
| >       \time 4/4
| >       \key c \major
| >       \mark \markup "I."
| >       s1*2
| >       \mark \markup "II."
| >     }
| >
| >     violinOne =  \new Voice { \relative c'' {
| >       \set Staff.instrumentName = "Violin 1 "
| >
| >       c2 d e1
| >  c2 c
| > c4 c c c
| >  c8 c c c c c c c
| >
| >     \bar "|." }}
| >
| >     violinTwo = \new Voice { \relative c''{
| >       \set Staff.instrumentName = "Violin 2 "
| >
| >       c2 d e1
| >  c2 c
| > c4 c c c
| >  c8 c c c c c c c
| >
| >     \bar "|." }}
| >
| >
| >
| >     \score {
| >        \new StaffGroup <<
| >           \new Staff << \global \violinOne >>
| >           \new Staff << \global \violinTwo >>
| >        >>
| >        \layout { }
| >        \midi { }
| >     }
| >
| >
| > _______________________________________________
| > bug-lilypond mailing list
| > bug-lilypond@gnu.org
| > http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond
| -- 
| =============================================
| Mats Bengtsson
| Signal Processing
| Signals, Sensors and Systems
| Royal Institute of Technology
| SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
| Sweden
| Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
|        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
| WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe
| =============================================

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