On Sun, 2006-10-08 at 10:27 +0000, Arvid Grøtting wrote:
> Arvid Grøtting <arvidgr <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > For some reasons, 2.9.21 has three systems per page on all pages,
> > while 2.8.1 has three on the first page and four thereafter, but I
> > don't know if that's a symptom or the problem.  
> Looks like it's related to the problem.  Here's a small (close enough to
> minimal) input file that demonstrates the problem if you convert-ly and
> run it through 2.9.21.  With 2.9.21, I get four pages where 2.8.1 needs
> two.  Page two of the 2.9.21 version has one single-staff system...
Thanks for the small example. This should now be fixed. Your first
example now spaces on 5 pages (3 on the first, 4 on the rest). Your
minimal example now uses 3 pages (with a single system on the last
page). If you set ragged-bottom-last to #f, however (which is generally
a better setting with the new page breakers), it only takes up 2 pages.

For what it's worth, the problem was with the height-estimation of
Hara-kiri staves. You can see the problem by looking at the
annotated-spacing: the Y-extent-estimate intervals on some of the staves
are way too big.

> \version "2.8.1"
> #(set-global-staff-size 18)
> \paper { annotate-spacing = ##t
> }
> somemusic = \relative c'' { c4\f d\< e f | g8( a\> g fis g2)\! | 
>                           g8.\p( g16) g8( g16\< g g g g g g4) | g1\mf | R1}
> \score {
>   \context Score <<
>     \new Staff <<
>       \new Voice = foo { \repeat unfold 16 \somemusic \bar "|." }
>     >>
>     \new Staff { \somemusic | R1*20 }
>     \new Staff { \somemusic | R1*20 }
>     \new Staff { \somemusic | R1*20 }
>     \new Staff { \somemusic | R1*20 }
>     \new Staff { \somemusic | R1*20 }
>     \new Staff { \somemusic | R1*20 }
>     \new Staff { \somemusic | R1*20 }
>     \new Staff { \somemusic | R1*20 }
>     \new Staff { \somemusic | R1*20 }
>     \new Staff { \somemusic | R1*20 }
>     \new Staff { \somemusic | R1*20 }
>     \new Staff { \somemusic | R1*20 }
>   >>
>   \layout {
>     \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }
>   }
> }
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