Sometimes Lilypond creates vertical space between staves to avoid a collision between, for example, a text markup in one staff and a beam in the other staff, when these two things happen in different measures and wouldn't actually collide.

On the other hand, in cases where they do collide and hence the vertical space is necessary, sometimes it isn't quite enough.

This file demonstrates both cases:

\version "2.9.22"
\new Staff \relative a' { a4 a a a << {a a a a} \\ {a,8 a a a a a a a} >> \break
        \repeat unfold 3 { a'4 a a a << {a a a a} \\ {a,8 a a a a a a a} >> }
\new Staff \relative a' {
        a1^\markup {
                \column {
                        \line {This text wouldn't collide w/ the beam,}
                        \line {so less vertical space is needed.}
        a \break
        a^\markup {
                \column {
                        \line {This text does collide with the beam,}
                        \line {so more vertical space is needed.}
        a a a a a

\layout {  }


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