
\include "German.ly" ;-)

I have a MIDI file, that with all patches one semitone too high. It sounds in 
Cis . I have converted it with midi2ly to Lilypond format and transposed each 
voice with \transpose to C so I can play it much better. But this gives Ces 
instead of H and Fes instead of E. 

I gave the switch --key at midi2ly, but this did not chang the output of 
midi2ly in any way. Also –output has no effect to midi2ly. 

Another annoying thing is that all rests are silent rests. This makes it 
difficult to read & play the music.

What is the best way to get the preferred pitch and readable rests?

I had attached the MIDI file at the original posting. I will provide this file 
on request.


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