Your titling problems are answered in the section on "Creating titles"
in the manual.

For the stems, I did some trial and error in your example file and it seems that
the doubled stems are caused by your setting
         \override Stem #'stemlet-length = #0.75

In general, when you submit a bug report, I urge you to try to reduce your
.ly example to a minimal number of lines. Here, you introduce so many
different unconventional settings in the same file so it's almost impossible
to figure out what is really relevant for the problem at hand.

As far as I can see, the problem here is that when you set stemlet-length, then you get these stemlets not only on rests but also on notes that normally don't
have stems:

\relative c'{
 \override Stem #'stemlet-length = #0.75
 c1 c\breve c\longa

Also, the documentation of the stemlet-length property is missing, apart from the
example file in Regression Test.


karim haddad wrote:

I have problems in stems (petrucci noteheads) they are not well anchored on noteheads and sometimes are doubled.
Beside that  the title doesn't appear.
Any idea ?
Thank you

Karim Haddad

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
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        Royal Institute of Technology
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