Sorry, could you follow the instructions at

I do most documentation updates while attending lectures, so please specify exactly what to add where -- imagine yourself listening to a lecture about doing an inverse fourier transform of a square wave, and adding material to the documentation in the pauses when the professor is repeating the same material again (for clarity, assuming you understood him the first time).

- Graham

Here's  some proposed language for the docs:

If three or more notes line up in the same column, merge-differently-headed 
successfully complete the merge of the two notes that should be merged.  To 
allow the
merge to complete, apply a \shift to the note that should not be merged.

% \shiftXxx can be used to avoid "warning: too many clashing note 

% the first shared note, d''2 and d''8 is shared between voice1 and voice2
% the second shared note, e,8 and e'2, is shared between voice2 and voice3
%  an error message is given, and the notehead is _not_ a half note

\version "2.10.5"  %Windows XP

\paper {indent = 0\mm ragged-right = ##t}

\relative c' { \override Staff.NoteCollision #'merge-differently-headed = ##t << {d=''2 g2 } \\ {\stemNeutral d=''8 c8 r4 e,8 c'8 r4 } \\ { \voiceFour e,,2 e'2} >>
<< {d=''2 \shiftOn  g2 } \\ {\stemNeutral d=''8 c8 r4 e,8 c'8 r4 } \\ { 
e,,2 e'2} >>
%  end of .ly snippet.

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