On Thu, Jan 25, 2007 at 04:49:40PM -0800, Graham Percival wrote:
> Thanks for the report.  I believe this issue is the same as
> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=14
> Could you look at the discussion for this issue?
> Cheers,
> - Graham

I'm not sure if it's the same issue Graham, although I suppose it may

I'm not nearly familiar enough with the technical details of LilyPond to
give a relevant comment, but it seems to me that the issue I mentioned
is one in which a tie that is intended to extend to a notehead instead
stops short to avoid a collision with a flat-symbol attached to another
note of the chord.

It seems that ideally the tie should arc *over* the flat symbol in order
to extend to the notehead that is being tied to a previous note, rather
than stopping to avoid a collision with the stem of a flat-symbol that
is associated with another (distinct and incidentally non-tied) note.

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