Jerry Hui <chiwei.hui <at>> writes:

> I am a composer dying to try out your program. However after installing 
> it on a
> machine running Windows XP, it simply won't start up--instead a system 
> error
> message came up right away and forced me to close the application. 
> Should I try
> a lower version?


I run Lilypond on XP all the time.  So there must be some problem that's 
unique to your system, if you are in fact getting an error message  
(and not just normal operation of Lilypond).  
No need to try a lower version.

Although Lilypond runs under Windows, it's not like a typical Windows
application.  It uses a text editor and the command shell to do its work.  
should start by reviewing the tutorial, at


If you really are getting a system error, you should post an exact copy of
system error to the user list, rather than the bugs list.  Then you'll be 
to get the help you need to get LilyPond going.

A more "Windows-like" interface can be obtained by using LilyPondTool for 
 This will give you a GUI environment within which to work on LilyPond
documents.  You can learn more about LilyPondTool at


Don't give up!  LilyPond is worth working through the learning curve to
 get started!

Carl Sorensen

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