This looks like a very serious bug in my opinion. You should certainly be able to specify the durations explicitly for each syllable. It's a regression bug compared to early 2.10.x version. I actually did a binary search and found that the bug
was introduced between versions 2.10.11 and 2.10.12.

Note that the bug does not show up if you remove the upper stave.

Also, as a workaround, you can specify the associated voice for each lyrics

\version "2.10.33"
\layout { ragged-right = ##t }

sopranonotes = \relative c' { e2  e4  }
sopranowords = \lyricmode   { do2 re4 }

altonotes    = \relative c' { e4  e4  e4  }
altowords    = \lyricmode   { do4 re4 me4 }

 \context ChoirStaff
   \context Staff = soprano
     \context Voice = sop { \sopranonotes }
     \new Lyrics \with{associatedVoice = sop } \sopranowords
   \context Staff = alto
     \context Voice = alt { \altonotes }
     \new Lyrics \with{associatedVoice = alt }\altowords

Finally, as has already been noted, the problem can also be solved using
\lyricsto, see sections "Lyrics to multiple notes of a melisma" and
"Divisi lyrics" in the manual.


Graham Percival wrote:
Ok. I think this isn't a real bug, then. (at least, I'd like to get the opinion of a developer with a clue about vocal stuff before I add it)

- Graham

Steven McDougall wrote:
% ChoirStaff mungs lyrics when the syllables have durations.

I'm not top posting.

% ChoirStaff mungs lyrics when the syllables have durations.

% You can get around this problem with \set associated voice.

\version "2.10.33"
\layout { ragged-right = ##t }

sopranonotes = \relative c' { e2  e4  }
sopranowords = \lyricmode   { do2 re4 }

altonotes    = \relative c' { e4  e4  e4  }

  \context ChoirStaff
    \context Staff = soprano
      \context Voice = sop { \sopranonotes }
      \new Lyrics \sopranowords
    \context Staff = alto
      \context Voice = alt { \altonotes }
      \new Lyrics \lyricmode       {     \set associatedVoice = #"alt"
    do4 re4 me4       }

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