2008/1/5, Stan Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> regressions: song-reordering.ly : is this test a duplicate of song-
> reordering2.ly ?

I think so.

I decided to remove it, as it was obviously a duplicate.

Thank you for all this work; Graham, here's a patch for all typo
errors that Stan has been hunting. (the removal of song-reordering2 is
included in the patch).

I tried to push it myself but I'm still having a "Permission denied"
thing. So...

These are only minor corrections; I have marked all other reports and
will investigate them ASAP.

diff --git a/input/regression/key-signature-cancellation-extra-natural.ly b/input/regression/key-signature-cancellation-extra-natural.ly
index a103f4e..608305f 100644
--- a/input/regression/key-signature-cancellation-extra-natural.ly
+++ b/input/regression/key-signature-cancellation-extra-natural.ly
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   texidoc = "If @code{extraNatural} is set then keys that are not
   altered farther away (eg from sharp to double sharp) are
-  cancelled. Otherwise only keys that does not accur in the new key
+  cancelled. Otherwise only keys that do not occur in the new key
   signature are cancelled."  }
diff --git a/input/regression/ledger-line-shorten.ly b/input/regression/ledger-line-shorten.ly
index b7c683d..53b57d2 100644
--- a/input/regression/ledger-line-shorten.ly
+++ b/input/regression/ledger-line-shorten.ly
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 \header {
     texidoc = "Ledger lines are shortened when they are very close. This ensures
-that  ledgers lines stay separate."
+that  ledger lines stay separate."
 \version "2.10.0"
diff --git a/input/regression/lyric-combine-switch-voice-2.ly b/input/regression/lyric-combine-switch-voice-2.ly
index 27f6d4f..09512ec 100644
--- a/input/regression/lyric-combine-switch-voice-2.ly
+++ b/input/regression/lyric-combine-switch-voice-2.ly
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-texidoc = "switching voices halfway a lyricsto is possible."
+texidoc = "switching voices halfway is possible using @code
 \version "2.10.12"
diff --git a/input/regression/lyric-hyphen-break.ly b/input/regression/lyric-hyphen-break.ly
index c48f7c8..41cff57 100644
--- a/input/regression/lyric-hyphen-break.ly
+++ b/input/regression/lyric-hyphen-break.ly
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 \header {
-  texidoc = "Hyphens are print at the beginning of the line only when
+  texidoc = "Hyphens are printed at the beginning of the line only when
 they go past the first note. "
diff --git a/input/regression/song-reordering2.ly b/input/regression/song-reordering2.ly
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a19b60..0000000
--- a/input/regression/song-reordering2.ly
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-\version "2.11.16"
-\include "festival.ly"
-\festival #"song-reordering2.xml" { \tempo 4 = 100 }
-  \relative \context Voice = "lahlah" {
-    \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f
-    c4
-    <<
-      {
-        \voiceTwo
-        f8.[ g16]
-        \oneVoice
-      }
-      \context Voice = alternative {
-        \voiceOne
-        \times 2/3 {
-          \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-3
-          f8 f g
-        }
-      }
-    >>
-    a8( b) c
-  }
-  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "lahlah" {
-    Ju -- ras -- sic Park
-  }
-  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "lahlah" {
-    \set associatedVoice = alternative % applies to "ran"
-    Ty --
-    ran --
-    no --
-    \set associatedVoice = lahlah % applies to "rus"
-    sau -- rus Rex
-  } >>
-#(ly:progress "song-reordering2")
-#(ly:progress "~a" (ly:gulp-file "song-reordering2.xml"))
diff --git a/input/regression/spacing-section.ly b/input/regression/spacing-section.ly
index 692eb61..70df682 100644
--- a/input/regression/spacing-section.ly
+++ b/input/regression/spacing-section.ly
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 \header {
   texidoc = "New sections for spacing can be started with
[EMAIL PROTECTED] In this example, a section is started at
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@\newSpacingSection}. In this example, a section is started at
 the 4/16, and a 16th in the second section takes as much space as a
 8th in first section."
diff --git a/input/regression/tie-grace.ly b/input/regression/tie-grace.ly
index 5352322..30a46fd 100644
--- a/input/regression/tie-grace.ly
+++ b/input/regression/tie-grace.ly
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 \version "2.10.0"
 \header {
-  texidoc = "Tieing a grace to the to a following grace or main note works."
+  texidoc = "Tying a grace to a following grace or main note works."
 \layout { ragged-right= ##t }
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