> Stefan Thomas wrote on 28 January 2008 23:22
> Dear Lilypond-users,
> in the below quoted snippet I'm not happy with
> the vertical priority of
> the pedal-symbols and theDynamic.
> I would like to have the "pp" , the crescendo
> hairpin etc. above the
> pedal-signs. But I dont know ho to do.
> "\once \override DynamicLineSpanner
> #'outside-staff-priority = #1"
> doesn't work. What can I do?
> Here is the short example:
> \relative c''' {
> \once \override DynamicLineSpanner
> #'outside-staff-priority = #1
> c2~\pp\sustainDown \times 2/3 {c4 b bes} |
> aes8\< f \times 2/3 {d8-. bes8-.
> ges8-.\p\sustainUp } r2 | }
Normally you would resolve this by setting the
outside-staff-priority for both objects, but it
seems the placement algorithm does not honour the
outside-staff-priority of the objects related to
piano pedals.  If, outside-staff-priority is
set for SustainPedal, for example, DynamicText
moves closer to the staff, but the SustainPedal
does not move, causing the objects to crash.
Here's a minimal example, copied to -bug.

\relative c''' {
  \override Voice.DynamicText #'outside-staff-priority = #1
  \override Staff.SustainPedal #'outside-staff-priority =

Is this a bug or a feature to be documented?

> Thanks for any advice,
> Stefan
Trevor D
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