Thanks, added as

You full report is quite accurate, however I just added a link to it
in order to preserve the holy minimal-reports-only-policy-thing (TM).


On 03/02/2008, Andrew Hawryluk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This one's a bit long for a bug report, but only to show the way the
> horizontal problem depends on the vertical location of the grace
> notes.
> -AH
> \version "2.11.38"
> \paper {
>         ragged-right = ##t
> }
> % In groups of grace notes below the staff, it appears
> % that the notes are only given enough horizontal room
> % when the intervals between the notes are small. In
> % larger intervals the notes are pressed very close together.
> {
>         % spacing above the staff is fine
>         \grace {e'''16[ a'' e'']} a''4
>         % spacing in the middle of the staff is fine
>         \grace {d''16[ g' d']} g'4
>         % just one step down, an odd spacing happens because
>         % c' is given very little room
>         \grace {c''16[ f' c']} f'4
>         % here the ledger lines have shifted to the right to
>         % avoid a collision, but the a is not centred on the
>         % ledger line
>         \grace {a'16[ d' a]} d'4
>         % here both the b and f are 'falling off' their ledgers
>         \grace {f'16[ b f]} c'4
>         % here the first two notes have enough space because
>         % they are vertically close
>         \grace {d'16[ c' g]} c'4
>         % here they are all properly spaced
>         \grace {d'16[ c' a]} c'4
> }
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