Issue 583: Setting system-count disables stretching inside a system

New issue report by wbsoft:
\version "2.11.41"


Setting system-count disables stretching inside a system.

Uncomment the system-count = 2 line (either in \paper or
\layout, does not matter), and the systems will not be
vertically streched anymore.


\paper {
 ragged-last-bottom = ##f
%  system-count = 2

\layout {
%  system-count = 2
 \context {
   \override VerticalAlignment
   #'max-stretch = #100000000000
 \context {
   \override VerticalAxisGroup
   #'keep-fixed-while-stretching = ##f

\score {
 \new ChoirStaff
   \new Staff { c2 d \break e f }
   \new Staff { c d e f }
   \new Staff { c d e f }


Issue attributes:
        Status: New
        Owner: ----
        Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

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