You have forgot to use curly braces to enclose all the things you want within the same Staff context. In your first example, the staff created with \new Staff will only contain the single command
\set Staff.instrumentName ...

Just add another set of curly braces to tell LilyPond what you think should belong to the
Staff context:

\new Staff {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = "1. 2."
 \relative c''
    \clef treble
    \time 6/8
{<< {c2.|}\\ {g2.|} >>} }

Stefan Kegel wrote:
both GrandStaffs are equal, but in the second Staff there is a comment
inserted to \set staff.instrumentname"

\version "" %...................................................first Staff without comment
\new GrandStaff
\relative {<< \new Staff \set Staff.instrumentName = "1. 2." \relative c''
     \clef treble
     \time 6/8
{<< {c2.|}\\ {g2.|} >>} }

\new Staff \set Staff.instrumentName = "3. 4." \relative c''
      \clef treble
      \time 6/8
{<< {e2.|}\\ {c,2.|} >>} } >>}

%...................................................second Staff

\new GrandStaff
 \relative c''
\new Staff %\set Staff.instrumentName = "1. 2." %comment inserted
  \relative c''
     \clef treble
     \time 6/8
{<< {c2.|}\\ {g2.|} >>} }

\new Staff %\set Staff.instrumentName = "3. 4." %comment inserted
  \relative c''
     \clef treble
     \time 6/8
{<< {e2.|}\\ {c,2.|} >>} }>>}

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        School of Electrical Engineering
        Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
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