Claus Tirel wrote:
> Please note that there is a waste of time to send bug reports
> on such an old version of LilyPond. In fact, even bug reports
> related to the latest stable version, 2.10, are mostly ignored

Not to mention this limited interest on the lilypond bug page (, where participation is so much encouraged, is - in my opinion - a waste of time.
Not at all! For example, from version 2.10.0 to 2.10.33, a tremendous number of bugs have been fixed, and even more have been fixed in the current development series, 2.11.x. A brief discussion about the bug fixing activities during the last months is included in
Still, if you are interested in joining forces, you are very welcome!

In fact, the version number was a mistake. But both reported bugs remain when using the actual version number "2.10.25".
It turns out that the bug fixes I had in mind, when sending my previous reply were not included in 2.10.33, but only in the 2.11.x releases. However, I can confirm that the lilypond-book problems
you report do not appear with the latest development version.

To ignore user's bug reports because of the mentioned version number is, in my view, a mistake as long as the reported bugs still exist.
Of course we don't do that. the bug report responsible person always checks bug reports to see if they apply to the latest version and if they do, then they are included in the bug database.


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