This is not minimal.  A minimal example of a bug like this would
probably be about 6 lines.

- Graham

On Tue, 29 Jul 2008 13:00:09 +0000 (UTC)
Werner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> % So I send a "minimal" example.
> % Again, use the whole message-text as ly-file!
> \version "2.11.54"
> Erste = \relative c' {
>       \clef G
>       \key es
>       \major
>       \time 4/4 
>       c1 | r | c |
> }
> Harmonien = { 
>       \chordmode {c1:m7 c:m7 c:m7 }
> }
> Vierte = \relative c' {
>       \clef G
>       \key es
>       \major
>       \time 4/4 
>       r1 |    c1 | r | 
> }
> \score {
>       \new StaffGroup
>       <<
>               \new ChordNames \Harmonien
>               \new Staff \Erste
>               \set chordChanges = ##t
>               \new ChordNames  \transpose c d \Harmonien
>               \new Staff \transpose c d \Vierte       
>               \set chordChanges = ##t         
> % if put chordChanges above ChordNames, 
> % symbols are printed below staff and in every bar 
> % (also if there is no change) ___ strange
> % second chordChanges doesn't work at all
>       >>
> \layout {
>     indent = #0
>     \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" }
> }
> }
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