Am 29.11.2008 um 19:59 schrieb John Sellers:

In the Learning manual, I searched the one page version for "paper" and found
that the concept

  \paper {  }

is nowhere defined or explained.

If you're really interested, in section 3.1 How LilyPond input files work, there is a brief introduction to these more advanced concepts.

The LilyPond input format is quite free-form, giving experienced users a lot of flexibility to structure their files however they wish. But this flexibility can make things confusing for new users. This section will explain some of this structure, but may gloss over some details in favor of simplicity. For a complete description of the input format, see File structure.

The link to file structure (in the Notation Reference) goes on to say: that, among other things, \paper is "an output definition". And that "Such a definition at the toplevel changes the default book-wide settings."

Also, since the things that can be placed in a \paper block affect spacing, which isn't covered at all in the Learning Manual, the relevant section in the Notation Reference re-iterates that a \paper block affects scores in a book, and that the global paper layout is affected by the \paper block.

I'm not saying that it's a particularly lengthy explanation, but it certainly sufficed for me to understand that a \paper block is similar to a \layout or \midi block, except that it contains things specific to how things are laid out on the paper.

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