2009/3/25 Robin Bannister <r...@dataway.ch>:
> Francisco Vila. wrote:
>> the right googleable word is Unicode, do you agree?
> Well, not fully. When I google for > unicode arabic percent I certainly end
> up at a relevant place
> http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/066a/index.htm
> But I am not done. I need to collect whatever it is \char needs, so I go
> looking for hexadecimals. There are lots of them in a nice table, and they
> are not all saying the same thing. This is where "UTF-32" could keep me
> straight.

I am now confused because Trevor has said that the hex value is a
variable length coding value for the Unicode entity, therefore this
hex number has to follow the utf-8 rules, not utf-32 which is always a
32bit fixed-length value.

> Back to NR 3.3.3
>> The following example shows UTF-8 coded characters being used
> My main point was: UTF-8 is wrong.
> When you criticize UTF-32 as a replacement, are you implying that the next
> word "coded" is wrong too?

I thought yes, but after Trevor I now think the hex value _is_ utf-8
coded. I might be completely wrong.

> If so, I agree. The proper term is Unicode code point (mentioned at the top
> of 3.3.3) and it is just an integer - no need to constrain how it is
> represented. (But base 16 and the codespace slicing went hand in hand.)
> So lets say
>> The following example shows Unicode code points being used

That's what I naïvely called an 'entity' before.

> And further up, lets use this same term instead of  "Unicode escape
> sequence"  and  "Unicode hexadecimal code"

I agree but I remain confused till Trevor throws additional light on
this. Does \char accept full hex Unicode code points or rather
variable-length utf-8 multibyte characters?

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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