2009/4/11 Piero Faustini <pierofaust...@hotmail.com>:
>> The LilyPond Spanish output on the jEdit console shows the problem on
>> windows XP since I can remember. All are latest Java, jEdit,
>> lilypondTool and LilyPond.
> Yes, I forgot to say that I can notice this since I use LilypondTool cause
> by just clicking a .ly files you don't see console output in windows. But if
> you use lily from console, you can notice the error. Not nice, but not so
> "bad" unless it could cause other problems.

As the application is translated into Spanish, for us the problem is
bad because error messages and warnings are localised but not
readable. In English they would be readable, of course, but  then I
would not have translated the application.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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