2009/8/7 Benjamin Kwong <benjamin.kw...@mail.mcgill.ca>:
> The following produces weird behavior with the use of \addlyrics over 
> barlines.
> \version "2.13.3"
> \relative c' { << { { a4 a a a | a } \addlyrics { a a a a } d d d | f f f f } 
> \\
> { c,1 c c } >> }
> \relative c' { << { { a4 a a a | a } \addlyrics { a a a a a } d d d | f f f f 
> }
> \\ { c,1 c c } >> }

  \addlyrics { a8 a a a a }
we see that the subsequent 'd d d' inherit the rhythms of the lyrics.
So maybe addlyrics is not well intended to be inside a polyphonic
construct like this.

Putting the lyrics outside they behave well.

\relative c' { << { \new Voice="one" { a4 a a a | a }  d d d | f f f f }
\\ { c,1 c c } >> }

\new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \lyricmode { a a a a a }

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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