On 8/30/09 6:21 AM, "Patrick Schmidt" <p.l.schm...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi docwriters,
> this is just a minor issue but I noticed that the pipe symbol (|) is used in
> the Learning Manual (version 2.12.2 and 2.13.3) in various places but I
> couldn't find an explanation of it's function in the Learning Manual. The
> symbol is also missing in the index. (I know it's function of checking bars.
> It is explained very well in the Notation Reference.) I would suggest to
> either not use it in the Learning Manual or add a short explanation and an
> index entry.

The first occurrence I found in the LM is 3.2.1. (on kainhofer).  There is
no explanation of the bar-check symbol there; according to the LM policy I
think that this is where it should be added.



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