John Ervin wrote Tuesday, September 08, 2009 6:05 AM
Subject: cueing bug
The following results in erroneous output:
oboe = \relative c''' {
R1 g4 r8 e16 f e4 d
\addQuote "oboe" { \oboe }
\new Staff \relative c'' <<
\new CueVoice \with {
instrumentCueName = "ob."
\new Voice {
g4. b8 d2
\cueDuring #"oboe" #UP { R1 }
g4. b8 d2
This causes oboe to be written over the first measure instead of
the second
measure as would be expected.
Not a bug. This is because the cue instrument name
is written at the start of the cue voice, and you
have started the cue voice at bar 1. Try this:
\new Staff \relative c'' <<
\new Voice {
g4. b8 d2
\new CueVoice \with {
instrumentCueName = "ob."
\cueDuring #"oboe" #UP { R1 }
g4. b8 d2
Also, slurring doesn't seem to transfer into the cueing. This
would be nice to
Feature request, maybe?
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