On 9/17/09 3:26 PM, "Ian Hulin" <i...@hulin.org.uk> wrote:

> Also, could anyone who could give me a steer into defining a new context
> property give me a pointer as to where to look in the code for examples
> where this is implemented for existing properties?  I'd really like to
> have access to an exemplar.
> At the moment I'm struggling with issues like:
> Do I need to define the property and access routines C++, i.e. add the
> new property, accessor routine prototypes and code in score.hh and
> score.cc, with scheme bindings in score-scheme.cc. However, looking at
> the code it looks like the Score class is relatively light and only has
>   properties like
> music_, input_location_ header_, defs_ user_key_ and error_found_.
> So lilypond properties which can be applied to \score blocks, like
> autoAccidentals must use a different mechanism.

My approach was to look in the IR for context properties.  Then I picked one
(chordChanges) and did git grep for it.

It turned up


which is where all of the context properties are defined.

Do you need more than this?



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