
It seems that the last example in NR 1.2.4 Beams: Setting automatic beam behavior, is broken. (I'm looking at lilypond.org 2.13.4 doc). This example shows three bars of 16th note, grouped by 4, despite the beam settings override on the 2nd bar.

Maybe the example should be changed to eg.:

  \time 4/4
  \repeat unfold 8 a8
  %% group 8th notes by 2
\overrideBeamSettings #'Score #'(4 . 4) #'end #'(((1 . 8) . (2 2 2 2)))
  \repeat unfold 8 a8
  %% revert the new rule
  \revertBeamSettings #'Score #'(4 . 4) #'end
  \repeat unfold 8 a8

Perhaps it would be nice to show in this section how to override the default beaming settings globally, in a \layout block; stating that instead of repeating
in each score a beam setting override like:

\overrideBeamSettings #'Score #'(4 . 4) #'end #'(((1 . 8) . (2 2 2 2)))

it is possible to set this behavior for all scores using (at top level):

   \layout {
     \context {
beamSettings = #(cons '(((4 . 4) end) . (((1 . 8) . (2 2 2 2)))) default-beam-settings)

or is it considered too advanced for this section?


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