У ср, 2010-02-10 у 11:54 +0200, Dmytro O. Redchuk пише:
> And now: *SORRY* --- i have to look closer on this "issue". Now in some
> cases 2.13 behaves exactly as 2.12, so i will try to do more tests and
> look closer to real scores where this is the problem.
Well... it seems to heavily depend on what's exactly in that "voice"
which has no lyrics temporarily (rests? notes? spaces?..).

Reinhold, good news, this maybe not a problem for you, if you, let's say
do not type different voices on the same staff.

I will do some checks. This *is* the problem for me. Now i'm almost
lost, because testing with different "little examples" shows different
results with the same version, or the same result with different


> *Sorry*, and thank You!

  Dmytro O. Redchuk

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