On Tue, 22 Jun 2010 22:59:05 +0200, James Lowe <james.l...@datacore.com> wrote:


-----Original Message-----
From: bug-lilypond-bounces+james.lowe=datacore....@gnu.org on behalf of Arno Waschk
Sent: Tue 22/06/2010 19:17
To: Lilypond Bugreports; lilypond-de...@gnu.org
Subject: q notation for repeated chords should also copy \harmonic...?

BTW the place of documentation of the "q" thing in the notation doc page
is not exactly obvious to me...


Not obvious as in 'I can't/couldn't easily find it' or not obvious as in 'it should be in a different place' (and if so where would you suggest?).


... not obvious as in i can't find it, and i was starting to search it in the chords section....

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