On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 10:52 AM, hans <s...@dds.nl> wrote:
> In a piano-piece:
> 4/4 time
> right-hand plays truplet over half-note, in problem case quarter-note
> half-note.
> left-hand plays eights, changing clef every quarter-note.
> In the problem-case the clef is written over the preceding eight.

Wow, indeed. That is a serious bug, I'm forwarding this to the Bug Squad.

\version "2.13.36"
\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff \relative c' { \times 2/3 {g'4 a2}}
  \new Staff \relative c' {
    \clef bass fis,,8 cis' \clef treble c'' fis,

Hans: hopefully this bug will be fixed in a future version. In the
meantime you may try adding a \break before this measure, hopefully
this will help.


PS - Hans: as you can see, your bug could be demonstrated with a much
smaller example, please keep that in mind when you encounter such
problems. http://lilypond.org/tiny-examples.html

<<attachment: toto.png>>

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