Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com> writes:

> Dear LilyPond developers,
> Kieren,
> We have had a discussion one year ago about a project to rewrite the
>   << { ... } \\ { ... } >>
> so it behaves exactly like
>   <<
>     {
>       % continuation of the "main" Voice from outside the polyphony
>       \voiceOne
>       ...
>     }
>     \context Voice = "2" {
>       \voiceTwo
>       ...
>     }
>   >> \oneVoice
> That would kinda solve the issue that what is inside the
>   << { ... } \\ { ... } >>  construct is in different voices than
> the non-polyphonic voice from outside, thus forbidding slurs etc.
> from outside to inside the polyphonic passage.

Slurs, ties etc from outside to the second voice would still be
forbidden.  The problem really is that Lilypond's notion of continuity
(we have that also in repeat alternatives, codas and similar) is too

> This is not well understood by users and it would really help if
> this could be solved.

The above would not solve it.  Some things would work, some things would
not.  Depending on the voice they happen in.

So don't get your expectations too high about what gains can be expected
from implementing that proposal.

David Kastrup

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