Greetings, Stuart Slater -

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 5:42 PM, sws <> wrote:

> Dear Ralph Palmer,
>   Sorry to be opaque and obscure ... you *may*be aging; but some wd allege
> I'm worse than that.
>  The _Commodore *Amiga 2000*_ was a splendid machine, c. 1985: leagues
> ahead of the contemporary
> (Chief Nerdian ~ Bill Gatesian) M$ or Apple-Mac etc. personal computers. It
> excelled at graphics (using
> several different chips with ladies' names, such as Denise ... ). It ran a
> good OS, called AmigaDos.
> Systems that outclassed M$ in all departments. The Amiga series is extinct.
>  DMCS was short for "DeLuxe Music Construction Set"  ('by Geoff Brown' *[and
> someone]*) --
> part of the *Electronic Arts *excellent _"Deluxe Creativity Series"_ This
> included
> graphics-packages as well as music ones. Mainly intended for the Amiga ...
> DMCS was far ahead of its time. Can be used still much more readily than
> _Finale_, or
> _Sibelius_, which I also use ... Doesn't print as well, by modern
> standards. By readily
> I suppose I mean intuitively ... swift to learn ... etc.
>  So I suppose I was suggesting that someone, somewhere, might make a
> translation program
> from DMCS ... whether from BillDOS or AmigaDos (preferably)_  or whatever
> ... to Mac OS X.n
> At least something capable to print sheet music archived.
>  This will not ever happen, of course: business is business.
>  There used to be Mac emulations of the Amiga offered on the  net; I could
> never make them work.
>  I still have that old Amiga working fine, however; if only the color
> monitor had not dropped dead.
> As they do. But I bored you about that before.
> Perhaps I have been a _little_ clearer this time. Though one fears,  not
> completely ....
> Regards,
>             Stuart Slater
>           (ancient non-nerd, non-hacker; partially sighted ... musical
> etc etc )
>  Still, as the late Kurt Vonnegut -- splendid American novelist -- wrote,
> pinching from his medico son's
> remarks to include in his own  ---  later confessing to this forgiveable
> plagiarism:
>   *"At least we are getting through this thing .... WHATEVER IT IS ...."*
Stuart and Bug Squad - This doesn't look to me like a LilyPond issue.
Perhaps there is someone out there who might  want to take on  such a
project. Would the development list be an appropriate place to make the


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